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iTunes and other changes to Filmtracks

iTunes and other changes to Filmtracks
Christian Clemmensen
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Saturday, October 2, 2010 (12:27 p.m.) 

As of October 1st, 2010, Filmtracks has replaced its CD Universe affiliate partnership with links based on a data feed from iTunes. Although CD Universe was the last surviving partnership Filmtracks had maintained since first turning a profit in July, 1997, its effectiveness had diminished significantly. Conversely, iTunes' popularity continues to grow, and whenever you plan on making a download purchase through the iTunes store, please consider using one of the links to that service currently on Filmtracks reviews (and soon to be elsewhere on the site).

This change comes just as Filmtracks has lost its final long-term contractual sponsor. With no advertisement dollars on the horizon from the music or movie industry, look for more creative affiliate-based banners and links to appear on the site in the coming months. These changes in advertising will not compensate for the better, more reliable revenues generated by the sponsorships, however, so please take some time to visit Filmtracks' donation page for more information on the current financial status of the site and the opportunity to secure its longevity in 2011.

Attention to these revenue streams will unfortunately replace time spent writing reviews. Arguably, I should have been tending to trial ad placements instead of writing so many new reviews in the past year, but with the 4-year re-write process finished in 2009, it was too tempting not to cover all of the titles I should have reviewed years ago. The reality of Filmtracks' ongoing financial woes will now force a shift in focus, so please be patient with the site in the event that reviews are not as frequent or timely as in the past year. Once again, if the site can survive this recession and adapt for new technologies, then the reviews will eventually be the primary focus once again.

Thanks as always to those who have contributed money to Filmtracks. It would no longer exist in its current form without that assistance.


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